Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Four important habits for a tidy home.

Hebrews 13:8

                 After a heavy lunch, kids went off to play in their room, your parents thought of taking a nap, while your hubby and you decided to watch a movie on TV. You turned the TV on, and while you clicked through the channels, your hubby cleared the sofa putting the three four days' newspapers and the kids' school socks from yesterday, to the chair next to the sofa. He took his place on the sofa, pushed aside the empty coffee cup on the teapoy and comfortably placed his legs on it. You got the right channel and you too found your place on sofa. What a beautiful afternoon. What could go wrong! But the beauty did not last long when a disaster struck. You heard the calling bell. Who could it be? You went to the door and peeped through the hole. "OMG! it's my manager and his family. What is this guy doing here? Clear the room!". Next few seconds in the house was a total chaos. You took the empty coffee cup from the teapoy, simply wiped the teapoy with you bare hands and ran to the kitchen, brought a cloth and wiped the dining table.  Meanwhile your hubby stuffed the newspapers and socks into the nearby cupboard and straightened the sofa cover. Well the main scene is clear now except for a few toys lying here and there. The guests wouldn't mind that..hmm..unless they step on it! You heard the bell ring for the second time. No more delay. Without even once seeing yourself in the mirror you had to open the door.
              Everybody has gone through a similar situation as I described above. But is it avoidable? Of course yes. In this post we shall see a few habits that every one in the family must have to keep your house always 'guest-ready' .

Habit 1:  Find a proper place for everything in the house and use it.

         There should be a fixed place for every object that you have at home. For example, a particular shelf for old news papers, a separate drawer for screws, screwdrivers etc, a basket for your kids' toys or a fixed drawer for spoons and knives in the kitchen. And each time you take out something, it has to go back to its original place after use. Make it a habit to put the magazine back in it's right shelf after you read it and teach your kids to collect all the toys and put them back in it's basket after their play time. Make it a habit to check for misplaced things before you go to bed. Thus your home would always be tidy and you needn't have to search the entire house for your earphones!

        Putting your clothes in right place also comes under this. All your clothes must have a place. Soon after you get home, putting the shawl over the chair or guys throwing their shirt on the floor is a big NO NO. Either it has to got to laundry or put it way in its right place. Teach children also the same.

Habit 2:  Do not pile up the unwashed utensils in the sink.

          You should be done with the utensils as you finish cooking. Either you put them in the dishwasher and run it at night or you wash them by hand as you go. This not only gives you a 'non stinking kitchen' but also you tend to use less number of utensils, making your work easier.

Habit 3:  Wipe down your dining table and counter top.

         Each time you eat at the dining table make sure to wipe it clean once you are done. You can ask your children to take turns to do it and appreciate their good work. Make it also a practice to wipe the counter top before you close the kitchen every day. To see a clean kitchen the next day morning is such a motivation :)

Habit 4:  Mop once in every week.

           Dusting and mopping your house once in every week keeps the house clean. Dusting too many times causes allergy problems.

     I hope the above tips help you to keep your home neat and well organised always. What tips do you have? Please share it by putting a comment below.

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